CUVILib has finally came out of Beta. We have added a lot more functionality and made sure that it runs smooth on mission-critical applications. Its simple API, magnitudes better performance than competing solutions and cross-platform support provides you a complete Imaging package. Before we get into what’s new in version 1.2 here are some useful links worth checking out:
- Official Release Email
- Download CUVI v1.2
- Documentation (Wiki)
- Functionality List
- Release Notes for v1.2
CUVI v1.2 has a lot more to offer over previous releases like a revamped, easy-to-use framework, streaming and multi-GPU support, support for both C and C++ and numerous additional imaging functionality. You can visit the Wiki to see complete documentation of the latest release but I couldn’t resist to mention few breakthroughs here:
Faster than IntelĀ® IPP
CUVI’s Imaging functionality is magnitudes faster than Intel IPP (see complete benchmark) which means when you use CUVI, you cut the hardware cost while adding more performance to your Medical/Industrial/Defense Imaging application.
Improved Results
Not only CUVI is faster than competing solutions (like IntelĀ® IPP and OpenCV) it also serves better results and robustness. We compared CUVI’s Optical Flow Dense (Lucas and Kanade method) to OpenCV’s counterpart finding that CUVI gives better performance as well as better results. Find out more information about this comparison here.